
  • May122020

    Table for One: Dine alone in Swedish meadow and name your price

    “Table for One”, or “Bord för En” is one couple’s answer to how to enjoy a restaurant meal during Coronavirus.…

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  • Nov252019
    Fjällräven Polar is a 300km mission across Arctic Scandinavia with huskies. I'm at my most alive when I'm in the wilderness and, as a UK raised Swede, I long to rediscover my native Sweden in its rawest form. It's a personal mission and to show my kids what I - and they - are capable of. To inspire them as the next generation of adventurous explorers, using our bodies as nature intended. I've applied to represent Sweden and Nordic East in this contest. Please vote for me and share the link!

    Fjallraven Polar – VOTE for my ARCTIC adventure!

    Fjallraven Polar: Please Vote & Share to make my Arctic dream come true! I come asking for your help. More…

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  • Sep252019
    Looking for things to do in Sweden? Småland's forests, archipelago and sandy beaches with pine trees offer wild camping, kayaking, hiking and biking. This is an island in the archipelago, where you're free to use the wind shelters and outdoor cooking area for a night.

    Things to do in Sweden – camping & kayaking in Småland

    When thinking of things to do in Sweden, British tourists often associate Sweden with Stockholm’s beautiful archipelago, the long beaches…

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