RSPB birdwatch – Big Garden Birdwatch 26-28/Jan

RSPB birdwatch – Big Garden Birdwatch 26-28/Jan
24/01/2019 Anna Sjostrom Walton
In Wellbeing
Spare an hour of your weekend to get involved with the RSPB birdwatch: Big Garden Birdwatch. Help the RSPB understand the patterns of our British Garden Birds.

The annual RSPB birdwatch, or Big Garden Birdwatch, is happening this weekend (26-28 January 2019) so get your eyes/binoculars and a hot drink on the ready! The event takes place over 3 days, to give you enough time to find that spare hour. The RSPB birdwatch has taken place for the last 40 years, to get a nationwide understanding of British garden birds.

It’s easy to take part in the RSPB birdwatch; just spend an hour watching birds in your garden, note how many of each type of bird you see at any one time and record your results here on the RSPB website. For example, if you see 2 robins, then another 3, you record you saw 3 (to avoid double counting). If you get involved on social media, tag #BigGardenBirdwatch. Even if you don’t see anything, record this anyway as it still helps RSPB understand British wildlife. So you’re spending a nice mindful hour, while helping RSBP with their important work. Sounds like a pretty good partnership!


Big Garden Birdwatch: How the RSPB birdwatch helps

Around 500,000 people get involved in the Big Garden Birdwatch each year.  The community initiative helps them track the patterns of the UK’s common garden birds. With nearly 40 years worth of data, the RSPB has found patterns like that the sparrow and starling population is down by nearly half. On the other hand, there’s been a big rise in blue tits (20%) and a huge increase in wood pigeon (800%). Your results help them identify problems, so they can act quickly.

While you’re enjoying the garden, why not pick some flowers to remember the day. You can dry them in this lovely handmade flower press from the Chalk & Moss shop:

The flower press is portable and easy to use. Pop it in your bag ready for picnics and outings with family and friends. Perfect for days spent outdoors or in the garden. P


Find out more about the Big Garden Birdwatch here on the RSPB website.


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